What is the difference between Save Draft and Finalize a Consultation?

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What is the difference between Save Draft and Finalize a Consultation?

  1. After successful registration of the Patients.

2.User can view the Patient Schedules according to the dates for which the patients are registered in the Appointment Calendar screen.

3. By clicking on the Modality for any patient’s schedule, the user will be redirected to the patient consultation screen.

4. Once the Consultation screen displays, user can view the list of the helpers attached to the Modality. The helpers list is as follow below

a. Vital – Should enter the required information about the Patient

b. Presenting Complaints – Should enter the complaints of the Patient.

c. History – Should enter the details, if patient has any history of the disease.

d. Symptoms – Should select or enter the symptoms related to the patient.

e. Observation – Should enter the patients observation.

f. Diagnosis – Should fill the patient’s diagnosis.

g. Prescription – Should fill the prescription details in the helper, if there are multiple prescriptions click on Add Prescription Button.

5. After filling all the required information in the consultation screen, attach the signature of the doctor also before saving the details.

6. Click on the Save Finalize button at the bottom.

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