How does the Tele-Consultation Template work? How do I access the Tele-Consult Link for Zoom?

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How does the Tele-Consultation Template work? How do I access the Tele-Consult Link for Zoom?

Tele-Consultation CPH

1.Select the Video Connectivity check box from CPH for the particular service for which the Teleconsultation requires

2.Add the details for other fields

Tele-Consultation for Zoom EHR

  1. Login with the given credentials and click on the Management Operations module in the Dashboard.

Click on the Connect Video Service Accounts button

3.Select the option for Zoom in the displaying screen and click on Connect Button.

4.Users can select the Consultation type as Audio or Video in the dropdown while adding the schedule

5.Users can fill the details for the Tele-consultation checklist. And on this screen users can join the meeting (audio/video).

6.Users can view the start time and end time of the meeting once they join the meeting.

8.  Click on the ‘Join’ button.

Once clicked, the screen will redirect to the Zoom meeting, where the Doctors can  interact with Patients.

Doctors can also record the audio/video conversation  with the help of record button available on the screen’

9. Once the consultation is done, there is an option to end the meeting.

10. The recordings will be displayed on the Telecommunications helper available in the Consultation Screen.

10.Once the meeting is finished, the details will be displayed and marked as a Tele-consultation meeting

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