How do I add an Appointment or OPD Visit?

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How do I add an Appointment or OPD Visit?

  1. After successfully logging into the system. Users can view the Dashboard with multiple features including.

2. Click on the Appointment Calendar feature in the dashboard.

3. Click on the Add New Appointment button by selecting the date in the Calendar.


4. Users can view the screen with a couple of options for Patient Registration. They are as follows:

Add visit for New Patient

Add visit by Updating Patient Details

Add Patient Visit

Add Visit for New Patient

  1. To add appointments for the New Patient who are not registered in the system. Click on the Add Visit for New Patient button on the screen.

2. Users should fill all the required Patient Information and click on the Add button at the bottom of the screen.

Note: Fields with * marks are mandatory i.e. user should mandatory fill the fields to add the patient.

3. Users should select the Modality from the dropdown list, select Study by entering the study name in the text area and also by selecting the Doctor Team from the dropdown list.

4. After filling all the required fields in the screen and by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the screen the added appointment for the patient will be added.

Add Visit by Updating Patient Details:

  1. To Add Appointment for the patient by Updating their information.
  2. Enter the Patient Name in the Patient Name field and select the Patient Name in the displayed Patient Search Result area. Patient information will be populated in the fields.
  3. Update the Patients information in the displayed pop up screen.
  4. Click on the Add Visit By Updating Patient Details button after updating the Patients information.

5. Users should select the Modality from the dropdown list, select Study by entering the study name in the text area and also by selecting the Doctor Team from the dropdown list.

6. After filling all the required fields in the screen and by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the screen the added appointment for the patient will be added.

Add Patient Visit:

  1. To add appointments for the patient who is already added in the system, enter the Patient name in the Patient name field and click on the search icon.
  2. The Patient name will be displayed in the Patient Search Results area, and click on the displayed Patient name and the information related to the patients will be auto filled in the screen as in the above image.
  3. Click on the Add Patient Visit button.

4. Users should select the Modality from the dropdown list, select Study by entering the study name in the text area and also by selecting the Doctor Team from the dropdown list.

5. After filling all the required fields in the screen and by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the screen the added appointment for the patient will be added.


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